Category Archives: Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds

Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds

Egads, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Sure enough, I’ve made zippo, zilch, zero, nada, absolutely no progress on redesigning this site! What can I say, I’ve been busy with costumes and cards and comics and work work work! But I’m briefly back for now…

And know what else is back? Tasty Planet!

Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds
Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds


Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds is now available for your iPhone/iPad Touch and iPad!! Get it today and support indie game developers (along with getting a fun game!).

Back for Seconds!

A few weeks ago, Dingo Games released its newest game, Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds! You can read all about it here! And download the demo too!

Tasty Planet 2
Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds

Why no post from me about it until now? Well pretty much *right* after we completed the game, my computer gave up the ghost, and then I went on vacation to the wonderful country that is Japan. I’m back now, but alas the computer has yet to resurrect itself. Hopefully the parts we need will get here soon (I was hoping they would arrive whilst we were away) so I can get back to the Mac and my beloved tablet.

In the meanwhile, I’ll just have to amuse myself with the netbook, sketching…and making Halloween costumes!!