This weekend I’m at Emerald City Comicon – with a brand new (and final!!) version of Corpse Door! Rachel Kahn and I are at Artist Alley Table T11 with uncanny comics filled with swords, spirits and spoons. Trolls, Weald, Sidequests, and lotsof other tales are there! So if you’re in Seattle, come on up – way up!
All posts by Tatterhood
My new comic is debuting at TCAF this weekend, May 14-15, at the Toronto Reference Library! (and you bet it’ll be at VanCAF too, May 21-22!) There’ll be other new stuff there too, which hopefully I’ll remember to post about during the ‘caf weeks’ – or follow the Weald Tumblr to stay up to date!
During the Viking Age, various types of trolls lived alongside humans – and one troll tracker knows all about them (maybe). This comic-guidebook-of-sorts provides a look into the world of trolls, from the powerful Jötnar, to the stubborn Gildigífr, to the foul, foul Brunnmigi. Just remember to read all the presented information with a grain of salt – after all, this is ‘An Incomplete and Likely Inaccurate Bestiarum Vocambulum About Trolls According to Totra Þórgríma Hrímhildrsdóttir, Otherwise Known as Tatterhood’.
As I continue on working on stuff for Creative Ink and TCAF and VanCAF (which everybody should attend in May if they are in BC or Ontario) I’ve uploaded Bite to Weald Comics for your viewing pleasure! (It’s another short horror comic – this one inspired by those “horrible teeth dreams.”)
A short little horror-ish story, Bait, is up over on Weald Comics to read!
I’d love to say “hey I’ll be updating my website soon”, get rid of posts, update the portfolio, links, etc etc…buuuuuut I know I won’t be doing any of that. Not for a while yet! I’m not even going to think about it until at least after May – well after Creative Ink and TCAF and VanCAF and catching up on some sleep.
In the meantime I’ll just make the odd post once or twice every year or so…and direct any and all lovely viewers to:
Weald Comics (for comicy goodness)
Instructables (for costume tutorials)
Dingo Games (now on Steam!)
…it would appear I only make posts when cons come around…
This weekend, it’s VanCAF! Everyone should come out – it’s free, it’s fun, it’s filled with comic-goodness! I’ll have copies of Weald and Nameless, along with The Corpse Door (Version 3 – you can read an animated version of it online), Fears Still Festering (a compilation of short tales, including those published in Pulp Literature), and free Face Kitten mini-mini-comics! It’ll also be the launch of Mega Fauna, an all-age comic anthology by Cloudscape Comics (I have a goat comic in there. Of course it’s goats). Check it out this Sat and Sun at 181 Roundhouse Mews in Vancouver.
Unwanted Visitors
I’ve been posting comics up over on Weald Comics for a little bit now. The first chapter of my Tatterhood story is now 2/3rds of the way through. So why not start reading it from the beginning?
Besides Tatterhood: Unwanted Visitors, Weald Comics is host to my other comics Nameless, The Corpse Door (Version 2), and Gruff. Weald is also home to Rachel Kahn’s wonderful comics, like Orin and the Dead Man’s Sword and Full Colour Cromulence.
All of these comics are available to read online for free! (You can purchase print and pdf copies of comics too!)